Zipingbazi's Blog

Fortune Telling Obama Presidency in 2010 Horoscope Astrology USA

Posted in Bazi and People,Bazi, astrology and nations by zipingbazi on February 6, 2010
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Natal Chart:

墓     冠带    帝旺    养
Eating GodS .Killings Day Master    Officer

辛丑    乙未    己巳    甲戌

癸偏财   乙七杀   庚伤官   辛食神
辛食神   Buudy    Resurcee    丁枭神
Buddy          丁枭神   戊劫财   Rob Wealth

Luck Pillars:
正官  偏财  正财  食神  伤官  比肩  劫财  枭神
大运:甲午  癸巳  壬辰  辛卯  庚寅  己丑  戊子  丁亥

Resource  Resource Buddy  S.Killings
10岁  20岁  30岁  40岁  50岁  60岁  70岁  80

Mr Obama has one of the most typical birth chart of a politician (same type of category as Chairman Mao and George Bush). His entire month pillar is clearly Seven Killings, and his entire year pillar is Eating God. This has the perfect making of the Seven Killings inviting Eating God Category.

The Useful God is Seven Killings; the Auxiliary God is Eating God/Hurting Officer. The Unfavourable God is Wealth if Wealth appears in the Heaven Stem. The other Unfavourable God is actually Officer as Seven Killings and Officer cannot be mixed.

In the ancient Chinese Bazi books, it is said that people with Seven Killings at the Month Branch usually are from difficult background (like Chairman Mao and Obama). The Luck Pillar changes to Resource (look at the branches first !) , Resource represents the family form one’s mother side, this implies that Obama was raised by his grandparents (from his mother side).

The reason why Obama did not go into NBA but went into politics is this (please do remember all these tips): any Seven Killings inviting Eating God Category that has got resource in it might imply that the birth chart might be a politician (like Chairman Mao and Obama). As long as the effect of Resource does not bother the category or it is eliminated by Luck Pillars if it does.

Obama’s birth chart consists of too many Rob Wealth and Buddy, making Eating God too strong and thus the Seven Killings too weak. To be a successful wily old politician like Chairman Mao, you need to understand how Sven Killings works. Seven Killings Categories is considered to be top category because it is wicked and evil (but it is subdued, that how life and thus fortune-telling works just look around you!).

Seven Killings is like a Tiger. In order to best use the ability of a tiger, you need to feed it with just enough food (not too much) , but cage it just nicely so that it doe not become an obedient cat.

Here, Obama’s Seven Killings is too weak, thus when he turns into his辛卯 Xin Mao Luck Pillar (after 40 yrs old), he became to rise to the top of the world. Why? 卯 Mao (wood) is the Seven Killings the Auxiliary God. That is why he will definitely be the president of the United State of America in 2009!

Now what holds the future for Obama? Well, not too good for 2010 and 2011 (but not that bad either). It is just that lots of his plans cannot be put into action. Lots of his wishes cannot be realised. This is because he has entered the luck Pillar庚寅Geng Yin, the Geng (Gold) will combine with 乙 Yi Seven Killings to neutralise the effect of Seven Killings. However, all is not lost for United States as I have United States birth chart so catch the next post to find out why!

吳睿穎 八字 臺灣選戰

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on February 6, 2010
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正財    食神    日主    比肩

乾造:  丙午    乙未    癸未    癸醜

正財  偏財  正官  七殺  正印  梟神  劫財  比肩

大運:丙申  丁酉  戊戌  己亥  庚子  辛醜  壬寅  癸卯

6歲  16歲  26歲  36歲  46歲  56歲  66歲  76歲

始於:1971  1981  1991  2001  2011  2021  2031  2041

流年:辛亥  辛酉  辛未  辛巳  辛卯  辛醜  辛亥  辛酉


正財    食神    日主    比肩

乾造:  丙午    乙未    癸巳    癸醜

正財  偏財  正官  七殺  正印  梟神  劫財  比肩

大運:丙申  丁酉  戊戌  己亥  庚子  辛醜  壬寅  癸卯

3歲  13歲  23歲  33歲  43歲  53歲  63歲  73歲

始於:1968  1978  1988  1998  2008  2018  2028  2038

流年:戊申  戊午  戊辰  戊寅  戊子  戊戌  戊申  戊午


吳睿穎臺灣國民黨現任人事部副主任本格為食神生財格,本來以比肩為忌。早年有財有印成為著名電視制作人。戊戌  己亥運,官殺成旺,格成殺邀食制,既破財同時也克比肩,就有了進入事業單位工作之象,同時也會在殺運離婚。





Michael Jackson Bazi Death Legend and Horoscope

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on February 4, 2010
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First thing up: all the Natal Charts of Mr Jackson are wrong. His family might have lied about his birth time.

His correct birth time is at August 29, 1958 at 23:00pm to midnight. (This is the only time on that day to produce such a Super Star)

Jackson's Bazi

Jackson's Luck Pillar

With Eating God at the month Branch and Seven Killings at the Hour Pillar, this an excellent Eating God Refrains Seven Killings Category.

The Useful God is Eating God庚申 Geng Shen (Gold) , the Auxiliary God is Seven Killings 甲 Jia (Wood) , and the favourable God is Wealth (Water) according to the Luck Pillar. Anything that hurt/combine the Seven Killings is Unfavourable God. (The reasons that Jackson became an artist instead of going into politics is because there is no Resource in the birth chart and Eating God does not directly came into contact with the Seven Killings.)

Eating God Refrains Seven Killings Category is most effective if the Eating God came before the Seven Killings. The Eating God is too heavy (carries too much weight) in the birth chart, so it is best if the Seven Killings can be enhanced. By looking at Jackson’s Luck Pillar, we can observe that it heavily involves Wealth, thus laid the foundation for his success!

Jackson started out his music career at age of 6, top the pop chart at 11. During the Wealth Pillars of 癸亥 Gui Hai and 甲子 Jia Zi., Jackson made his name, fame and money. In the癸亥 Gui Hai year 1983, his album was sold out for a record of 40 million copies. The next year 1984甲子 Jia Zi., he won numerous musical award and the most popular person of the White House.

However , things took a dive for the worst in the Luck Pillar乙丑 Yi Chou ad the子 Zi on the Hour Branch combined with the 丑 Chou in the Luck Pillar to reduce the effect of Seven Killings. In 2004 甲申 Jia Shen, the Shen clashes with 寅 Yin . Jackson was charged with molesting and paedophile.

In 2009 己丑 Ji Chou, the Ji combined with the Auxiliary God 甲 Jia in the Luck Pillar. I have always stressed on the importance of Auxiliary God. Since the Auxiliary God is hurt in 2009 and Chou is also the tomb of Day Master 戊 Wu, the Death knell finally struck on Jackson.

Katie PRICE and her marriage/ marriages horoscopes

Posted in Bazi and People,Uncategorized by zipingbazi on February 3, 2010
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I have been always against the very idea that female celebrities will enjoy a long lasting marriage. (Apart from the Beautiful News presenters around the world, I will explain why at a later date). Katie Price is a perfect example why?

In the ancient Chinese books of Bazi (the most powerful form fortune telling), it stated that a female birth chart with Hurting Officer as Auxiliary God has no real happiness (女子伤官无真福)This is because no matter how rich or powerful a female character is, her happiness depends on her marriage.

Katie Price is a perfect example where the Auxiliary God is Hurting Officer and her marriage brings no success.

Katie PRICE was probably born on May 22, 1978at around 9:00AM to 11:00AM (If she was born between 7:00AM to 9:00AM, it might be worse):

Katie Bazi

Katie's Luck Pillar

This is a simple birth chart which you guys should be able to recognize by now. With Hurting Officer丁巳Ding Si at the month Pillar, this is clearly a birth chart of Hurting Officer produces Wealth Category.

The Useful God is Hurting Officer (fire) , the Auxiliary God is Wealth (Earth) and the Unfavourable God is Seven Killings申 Shen gold/Officer.

Seven Killings is the husband of a female chart, so if she has Unfavourable God as Seven Killings, you can more or less expect her marriage to unsuccessful at some point of time. In addition, Kate Price has the Unfavourable God Seven Killings at her Marriage Palace. (Remember I mentioned in Steve Jobs’ Chart that the Marriage Palace is right below the Day Master?)This also implies that her marriage will be unstable.

The reason why Seven Killings is Unfavourable God is because the Seven Killings will drain away the Wealth (Auxiliary God). Auxiliary God, being the most important element in a birth chart, must be protected at all costs.

That is the reason why 2005 乙酉 Yi You (Officer) is a year of unsuccessful marriage for her. And the Marriage ends in disgrace in 2009 己丑 Ji Chou (丑 Chou is the storage of Gold Seven Killings). Storage of Seven Killings represents marital affairs for a female as storage of Seven Killings implies many husbands which will lead to the end of current marriage.

Since we are still in the 2009己丑 (on the Chinese calendar), I must conclude that this marriage will still end in failure. I am sorry girls, everything is pre-destined, if you do not have a good husband, you don’t have one….:)

我是常青樹 余天

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on January 31, 2010
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原名余清源 ,生於臺灣新竹,曾是臺灣著名的歌手及綜藝節目主持人,成名曲是〈榕樹下〉。


正印    偏財    日主    傷官

乾造:  丁亥    壬寅    戊辰    辛酉

傷官  食神  劫財  比肩  正印  梟神  正官  七殺

大運:辛醜  庚子  己亥  戊戌  丁酉  丙申  乙未  甲午

5歲  15歲  25歲  35歲  45歲  55歲  65歲  75歲

始於:1951  1961  1971  1981  1991  2001  2011  2021

流年:辛卯  辛醜  辛亥  辛酉  辛未  辛巳  辛卯  辛醜




丁酉  丙申兩運雖然傷官強旺但印星蓋頭,所以事業沒有進一步的提高。








功夫沒學到家,就不要出來獻醜。不然象宋無力(無粒)那樣 看好謝長廷而鬧笑話就難看啦!

鮑國安八字 與曹操 CaoCao

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on January 29, 2010
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(Sorry guys if you can’t read Chinese too bad then: )

正印    偏財    日主    傷官

乾造: 丙     癸     己     庚

戌     巳     酉     午

辛食神   庚傷官   辛食神   丁梟神

丁梟神   丙正印         己比肩

戊劫財   戊劫財

十神:正官  七殺  正印  梟神  劫財  比肩  傷官  食神

大運:甲午  乙未  丙申  丁酉  戊戌  己亥  庚子  辛醜

1歲  11歲  21歲  31歲  41歲  51歲  61歲  71歲

始於:1947  1957  1967  1977  1987  1997  2007  2017




戊戌運,時來運轉,相神傷官有力,演藝事業步步高升。95年《三國演義》播出,知名度提高,從此名利雙收。戊戌為劫財  比肩,就是人氣,  劫財又生傷官,傷官就是演藝,創新(官為正統,傷官就是去掉傳統,創新的意思)。

己亥運,財星落地,八字便成棄印就財格。此時,除了賺錢以外,還有了貴氣。鮑國安先生於2003年成為國家監察部特邀檢察院員 人大代表 政協委員。





誠然,曹操此人內心矛盾,時而憤怒殺人,時而又開懷大笑,讓人琢磨不透。但是,曹操的功勞是不可否定的。 陳群曾說:漢室久已衰微,大王功德巍巍,萬民仰望,應早成大位。



《書》曰:‘惟敬五刑,以成三德。’《易》著劓、刖、滅趾之法,所以輔政助教,懲惡息殺也。且殺人償死,合於古制;至於傷人,或殘毀其體而裁 剪毛發,非其理也。若用古刑,使淫者下蠶室,盜者刖其足,則永無淫放穿窬之奸矣。夫三幹之屬,雖未可悉復,若斯數者,時之所患,宜先施用。漢律所殺殊死之 罪,仁所不及也,其余逮死者,可以刑殺。如此,則所刑之與所生足以相貿矣。今以笞死之法易不殺之刑,是重人支體而輕人軀命也。”時鐘繇與群議同,王朗及議 者多以為未可行。大祖深善繇、群言,以軍事未罷,顧眾議,故且寢。

-《三國誌 陳群傳》

沒想到曹操對每條法律的利弊看的如此之重。雖然同意陳群恢復死刑的建議,但是他認為政治時機不當,因而作罷。而《三國誌》明確指出曹操之所以同意陳群恢復死刑的建議是出於法律的公正和人民的安危:“所以輔政助教,懲惡息殺也。 ” “所謂名輕而實重者也。名輕則易犯,實重則傷民。 ”

“太祖深善繇、群言”突現曹操內心對法律公正和效率的渴望。“以軍事未罷,顧眾議,故且寢。 ”說明曹操不獨斷專行,且頗洞悉政治大勢。




《三國誌 魏書武帝紀》





《三國誌 魏書武帝紀》

Ben Bernanke , Astrology, Horoscope,FED, USA, financial crisis, 2009, 2010 and 2011 Part 2

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on October 25, 2009
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Very often, we are left wondering what else Ben Bernake has done apart from throwing money to feed the banking d**s when we are watching his appearances on the US congress hearings on FED and the economy.

I had made the same conclusion about Ben Bernanke’s performance as Mt Warren Edward Buffett: Mr Bernanke had performed well under those horrible circumstances during the peak of the financial crisis 2008. Most of you might be wondering what Bernanke has done to deserve some praises from insiders like me (I am not working in Wall Street or London but I do have inside information how they work those things out).

We all know that Mr Bernanke did whatever he could after the financial meltdown begins in 2008 and together with other top US officials they bailed out lots of financial institutions deemed too big to fail. Such actions will definitely outrage the entire world (especially the lovely US citizens who for the majority of them hadn’t got a clue to how important and interconnected are the financial instruments to our daily lives).

He even went on further to extend the regulatory authority to the “Shadow banking system “ by introducing a Alphabetical soup of financial papers, aimed to tackle the problem directly. However, after months of hard work during the later part of 2008, one issue remains: how to stabilize the US dollar and continue its authority as the world’s reserve currency?

From past experience, the dollar position as the world’s only reserve currency was very much untouched for a long time. Even if a financial downturn happened once a while, the very facts that US has the one of the best legal systems in the world and the largest economy in the world made it “the best of the rotten apples “ ( e.g. US economy is bad but the rest of the world is even worse so if you don’t use US dollar as reserve currency, which other one can replace it?). Therefore, when the US economy falls into recession usually the rest of the world will suffer.

However, the meltdown on the Wall Street caused the FED to re-think about such assumptions because this crisis fundamentally damages the credibility and the confidence of the US dollar and thus the US economy.

Think about it guys: if you are the chairman of FED and the world has lost confidence in the US economy. You are immediately faced with the possibility that the world market might sell US Dollar to buy gold and other commodity to advert the risk of inflation and the devaluing of the US Dollar. What are you going to do in time of a Dollar crisis?

Out of thought, eh? Well, if Mr Bernanke were to run out of his tricks in 2008, then US economy probably had collapsed. This is actually what happens: sometime during the end of 2008, Goldman Sachs and HSBC mysteriously began buying gold on the market. Rumours soon started to circulate around the world that the gold price is going to skyrocket soon, come on guys buy gold! True enough the price of gold shot up and the financial institutions made huge profit in the gold trading at that time.  Now, you might wonder: what has this got to do with the position of US Dollar in 2008?

Well, 2008 was the most uncertain period for the US Dollar in decades. Stabilizing the Dollar and continuing its position as the world’s reserve currency are paramount. Actions taken by Goldman Sachs and HSBC helped that course. You may wonder: how? Traditionally, isn’t it true that when the gold prices rise, the US Dollar devalues? Well, that is true “usually”. Think about it guys: how do you buy gold on the market? Well, easy you change your home currency to US Dollar … and then buy gold. Wait a minute, did we just mention that: you change your home currency to US Dollar?

Yes, we did. And that is exactly why when the price of gold was rising, the US dollar appreciate as well, and the rest of the world’s (free-trade) currencies devalued. Smart, isn’t it. This is due to the Seven Killings (Jia 甲) taking effect in his birth chart. The other conundrum that many of you might ask is: since the FED had printed so much money where is the inflation?

Well, there are actually two parts to that question, but I am going to give one of the answers: Bernanke figured a smart way round the problem. Here is how you do it: the Treasury used the National Bond to buy the illiquid assets, so that the Fed can keep the cash (because the private firms have to buy the National Bonds from the Fed first) and the private firms cleared their balance sheet” Perfect, isn’t . This is a master plan probably brought about by Bernanke. The lessons we learnt from the Japanese decade-long recession is that the negative/ugly balance sheet of the private firms was what eventually caused the Japanese downfall. Thus, if the US government can use default-free bonds to clear the damaged balance sheet of the private firms, then that risk is minimized.

At the same time, there are two other obvious advantages:

Net M2 is reduced substantially compared to any other method which means that the chance of hyper-inflation is minimized. Thus, the position of the USD Dollar is also secured.

The cash flow held by the FED can be used to give to those who are really in need of those cash. Smart, isn’t it? That’s why Ben Bernanke is the Chairman of FED and we are sitting in front of our computers reading this stupid post!

Ben Bernanke , Astrology, Horoscope,FED, USA, financial crisis, Bazi, 2009, 2010 and 2011 Part 1

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on October 25, 2009
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Ben Bernake’s Natal Chart (Bazi):

正财    七杀    日主    正印
乾造:  癸巳    甲子    戊戌    丁巳

庚食神   癸正财   辛伤官   庚食神
丙枭神         丁正印   丙枭神
戊比肩         戊比肩   戊比肩

正财  偏财  伤官  食神  劫财  比肩  正印  枭神
大运:癸亥  壬戌  辛酉  庚申  己未  戊午  丁巳  丙辰
3岁  13岁  23岁  33岁   43岁     53岁     63岁 73岁
始于:1955  1965  1975  1985  1995  2005  2015  2025

Ben Bernanke1

Ben Bernanke2

Mr Ben Shalom Bernanke was probably born on December 13, 1953 at about 9:00am – 11:00am. The reason why I said it is probably because only this time fits with his background and experience in Preston College. However, due to the peculiar nature of the Federal Reserve ( It is still a private entity for those of you who have not known yet) .

As always the very first thing you do when reading the birth chart is to derive its category. To derive a category in Four Pillars (Bazi), we should always look at the month first. If any of the Ten Gods in the month was to be appeared at the Heaven Stems (excluding the Day Master of course!), then that Ten God will be the Useful God to be used to determine the category of the birth chart. A useful reminder here: what we do after we determine the Useful God is interesting: we look at the rest of the characters to determine if we can find an Auxiliary God in relation to the Useful God

This process is called determining the Category of Bazi (which is mentioned at great length in the ancient books).

If we cannot find a category, then we have to determine another Useful God and recurs the whole process again until we find a Category. If there is to be no category found, then the birth chart has no category and it will be a poor birth chart = one’s life will not be good (I will try to find time to talk about the consequence of non-categorised Bazi, but at the moment it is irrelevant to our article here).

Now, Bernanke’s situation is unique: there is a rule of thumb when reading Bazi recorded in the ancient book 神峰通考:

The category of Seven Killings/ Officer should be considered first even if there is only one Seven Killings/ Officer appears in the Bazi Chart. Only if the category of Seven Killings/ Officer cannot be materialised, then the rest of the categories will be considered.

In original Chinese:


用 = Useful God ( Earth Branch in the Month Pillar)

杀 = Seven Killings

先论 = first consider

有 = have , there is

无 = there exists none

论 = consider

Clearly with a single Jia 甲, Seven Killings hovering on the Heaven Stem of the month pillar, we will have to consider the Seven Killings Jia when identifying the category.

Clearly, the Heaven Stems form Seven Killings Produce Resource Category (read it horizontally) and the Earth Branches forms Wealth equipped with Resource Category. This is a case of two categories in one Bazi Chart.

For the Heaven Stems, the Useful God is Seven Killings, the Auxiliary God is Resource. For the Earth Branches, the Useful God is Wealth, the Auxiliary God is Resource.

Gold, the Hurting officer and Eating God of Mr Bernanke, produces wealth during his

20s and 30s (look at his Luck Pillars please). Bernanke, during one of the interviews admitted that he was accepted into Harvard but his parents do not wish him to travel that far away from home (a humble town in California). However, Bernanke was so determined and rebellious (Hurting officer and Eating God anyone?) at that time, his parents eventually succumb to his request and even went on to support him financially. Very rare indeed for the eldest son of the family!

During his 40s and 50s, his Luck Pillars travelled to the Resource. This is when he made his name in the Education realm. As a scholar, he was also instrumental in helping Alan Greenspan to get out of the financial crisis in 1986-1987 (the S&L crisis). Resource also represents education; this is when he became the chief of economics department in Princeton University.

Resource also represents social status and job. That is the reason why he got the job as the head of the FED at 2006 when the year was丙戌 (a year full of resource for Mr Berrnake). Because of the fact that he falls into Wealth equipped with Resource Category, his job will be related to finance and wealth.

According to the ancient book, Seven Killings (Category) is cunning and deceptive while Wealth (Category) is honest and rationale. Well, Mr Bernanke has them both.

When the financial crisis came to its peak in October last year, many people on the mainstream America questions Bernanke’s policy of saving financial institutions which are too big to fail. I am afraid to say that Bernanke has got it right. Though Mr Bernanke is a long time advocate for free Capitalist economy, he intervened in the financial market without much hesitation. This is actually the pragmatic side of Wealth influence on his character.

The reason he has to save those F***ing, useless banks? Here’s what he said during an interview:” If you’ve a neighbour who smokes in bed and he’s a risk to everybody. And suppose he sets fire to his house. You might say to yourself: I’m not going to call the fire department, let his house burnt down. It’s fine with me. But then of course what if your house was made of wood and next to his house? What if the whole town is made of wood? I think we’ll all agree that the rightn thing to do was to put out the fire first, and say what punishment appropriate? …”.

The crisis was coming at that time and many have predicted it (Dr Doom, Jim Cramer and of course including me). Now, Warren Buffet made an honest assessment of Ben Bernanke in 2009:”I’ll give him 70/100”, the highest score among all US Officials (including Obama). That was an honest statement and in the next article, I will explain why.

David Wilcock,Astrology, Horoscope, 2012, Bazi and Cosmo

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on October 25, 2009
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David Wilcock

David Wilcock1

David Wilcock2

比肩    食神    日主    伤官
乾造: 癸丑    乙卯    癸卯    甲子

癸比肩   乙食神   乙食神   癸比肩

伤官  比肩  劫财  枭神  正印  七杀  正官  偏财
大运:甲寅  癸丑  壬子  辛亥  庚戌  己酉  戊申  丁未
2岁  12岁  22岁  32岁  42岁  52岁  62岁  72岁
始于:1974  1984  1994  2004  2014  2024  2034  2044

Mr David Wilcock was born at 03/08/1973, Schenectady, NY at 11:16pm (This information is for the Astrologist who wish to plot his Horoscope, Natal Chart).

This is his self-discription from his own website:

“Ever since age 2, David remembers having dreams of massive, metallic cylinders floating in the sky, along with bizarre psychic synchronicities during the day.

At age 5, David had a spontaneous out-of-body experience that greatly crystallized his quest for the truth of ESP, metaphysics and consciousness.

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy

At age 7, David read his first full-length adult paperback book about ESP, entitled How to Make ESP Work for You, by Harold Sherman. He conducted successful telepathic experiments with his friends, and demonstrated repeated psychic accuracy while still in second grade, culminating in a classroom demonstration of his abilities.

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David’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and he quickly began gaining weight through emotional eating, trying to stuff his pain with food. As he got larger he started wearing black T-shirts to try to hide the weight, and became increasingly socially isolated. He reached his heaviest and most depressed point at age 15.

At age 16, David committed to a weight-loss plan, and soon had the first of an ongoing series of lucid dreams, consciously induced through a technique he learned in Dr. Stephen La Berge’s book, Lucid Dreaming. He lost 85 pounds by strict dieting during this year of his life, going from 225 down to 140. Perhaps 20 or so of those pounds were in his hair alone… you’ve gotta admit he cleans up good!

David’s grades also improved along with his self-esteem as a result of losing so much weight. The day he cut his hair people were stopping dead in their tracks when they saw him in the hallways. His transformation so impressed the faculty of Scotia-Glenville HS that David was awarded the Martin J. Mahoney Memorial Award for Personal and Academic Progress.

At age 19, after one bleary-eyed year of college partying, David went totally sober, and began a detailed journal of all his dreams on a daily basis. He has an unbroken record of dreams that continues to this day – some 14 years later. (Currently David averages 80-100 pages of this private journal writing every 15 days, between documenting dreams, important emails and life’s daily events. David considers meditative journaling and dreamwork to be essential to spiritual growth.)

David later graduated from the State University of New York at New Paltz with a BA in Psychology and a Master’s equivalent in experience from his internship at a suicide hotline, completing his formal education at age 22.”

Excerpt from

Now this is definitely all true, but is this what we as Bazi readers should be looking at? Probably not, what is the main difference between Astrology and Bazi( Four Pillars of Destiny)? Astrology can identify the characteristic of a chart thus its luck in years to come. Bazi, on the other hand, is primarily used to determine the level of success, the degree of achievement and the severity of misfortune.

Think about it guys: there are a million people worldwide have the same character and the same luck flow as Mr David Wilcock, does it mean that they have the same level of achievement as Mr Wilcock this life (sorry folks Mr Wilcock believes in reincarnation)? The answer is definitely not. There are a million people worldwide have the same character and the same luck flow as Mr Obama (the U.S president), does it mean that they have the same level of achievement as Mr Obama this life? The answer is again definitely not. Therefore, as a Bazi reader, one has to master the essential skill of reading the birth chart and determine the level of success (which can be uniquely achieved by the method of Bazi among all other meta-physics)

As always the very first thing you do when reading the birth chart is to derive its category. To derive a category in Four Pillars (Bazi), we should always look at the month first. If any of the Ten Gods in the month was to be appeared at the Heaven Stems (excluding the Day Master of course!), then that Ten God will be the Useful God to be used to determine the category of the birth chart. A useful reminder here: what we do after we determine the Useful God is interesting: we look at the rest of the characters to determine if we can find an Auxiliary God in relation to the Useful God

This process is called determining the Category of Bazi (which is mentioned at great length in the ancient books).

If we cannot find a category, then we have to determine another Useful God and recurs the whole process again until we find a Category. If there is to be no category found, then the birth chart has no category and it will be a poor birth chart = one’s life will not be good (I will try to find time to talk about the consequence of non-categorised Bazi, but at the moment it is irrelevant to our article here).

Now Mr David Wilcock has a Day Master of Gui 癸 (water) and he was born in the month of Mao 卯(the month of rabbit, remember the month pillar is always the most important pillar you look at when reading Bazi). Mao 卯 is wood which is produced by the Day Master Gui 癸 (water). On the month pillar, the Earth Branch only contains the Eating God 乙. Thus, we first determined that Mr David Wilcock falls into the category of Hurting Officer. One look at his birth chart, we can observe that it is full of Hurting Officer and Buddy (A very weird and rebellious guy), this shows that he is against the common norm. Indeed he specializes in UFO research and cosmology.

However, a chart full of Hurting Officer and Buddy truly pose a serious problem for the Bazi reader: what is the Auxiliary God of such a chart. At first glance, the category (Note: not the Day master) is too unbalanced, the category has produced too much Hurting Officer; there is nothing to manage the Hurting Officer. However, a careful observation will lead us to find a resource hidden right with the Earth branch of the year pillar Chou (丑). The Xin 辛 gold within Chou (丑) is nicely positioned to directly manage the Eating God and Hurting Officer (Wood).

Here is a trick you need to know when reading such a birth chart: there is a poem recorded in the ancient Bazi book神峰通考 which states that the Chou (丑) earth and Xu(戌) earth cannot be harmed by wood as they contain gold within them :



亥卯木旺不逢金,丑土休嗟见木侵 = the Chou (丑) earth and Xu(戌) earth cannot be harmed by wood.

Now, we have identified that the Useful God here is Hurting Officer and the Auxiliary God is Resource (the Chou (丑) earth here can be considered as a resource of gold). Mr David Wilcock falls into Hurting Officer Equipped with Resource Category (Hurting Officer is an extremely strong and vigorous element, with Resource, the Hurting Officer can be effectively managed due to the fact that Resource can conquer Hurting Officer).

Now, his Bazi itself is really very good: it contains a lot of Hurting Officers and skilfully managed by a single resource. It has the Favourable God Buddy ( in the form of zi water (子) and gui (癸)) to make him popular figure among his listeners and audience. (Rob Wealth and Buddy usually increase your popularity when they the Favourable God of the category).

However, that is the positive side of this birth, the reason why he is not as famous as some of the other similar birth charts is because his luck pillar did not combine well with his birth chart.

Usually, a Hurting Officer Equipped with Resource Category needs resource in his luck pillar to rise to stardom. His resource came too late: during his 50s and 60s. Now you may argue that the resource did appear on the Heaven Stem of the luck pillar in his 30s and 40s, so it is not that bad after all. The problem with this is that his Earth Branches during the same luck pillar is filled with Buddy. Now what does this mean?

This means that the Buddy will drain away the very much needed resource. Resource represents social status and Buddy represents popularity, this is exactly what happens to him now: famous and popular but he is not recognized as a formal professor like Ben Bernake and Paul Krugman. By that I mean, he is a popular figure among grassroots only. Is that the work of spectacular accuracy of Bazi reading?

Now, there is another negative effect of Resource drained away by Buddy: Hurting Officer desperately needs Resource to manage itself. With depleting Resource, the negative effect of resource will began to show: he will start to make outrageous predications that few will buy into and many of them may not be fulfilled on the correct timescale.

Here a list of things he said I considered to be true/false and will be verified. (I know most of the staff he talks about, and I probably know more, but you see that’s not the point of this blog. The blog is to learn Bazi not explore the secrets of the universe):

True staff:

Existence of Aliens

Great Cosmo Change

No such thing as Evolution

False/wrong staff:

World’s governments controlled by Illuminatis (well I know it is not by Illuminatis but by Aliens, in effect almost everyone on planet Earth).

Most Aliens are good (Wrong, most of them are bad)

Top U.S official will introduce Aliens to us (well the Aliens are among us why they would need to introduce themselves to us again).

Many people will survive the so-called 2012 and enter cosmo- consciousness. (Correct but not that many).

Collapse of the U.S dollar in 2009 and 2010 (Not that fast, U.S dollar will collapse when the entire world economy collapse around 2012-2013).

Most Aliens are good (Wrong most Aliens from outside solar system are bad).

If you have any questions , just leave a comment.