Zipingbazi's Blog

Ben Bernanke , Astrology, Horoscope,FED, USA, financial crisis, Bazi, 2009, 2010 and 2011 Part 1

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on October 25, 2009
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Ben Bernake’s Natal Chart (Bazi):

正财    七杀    日主    正印
乾造:  癸巳    甲子    戊戌    丁巳

庚食神   癸正财   辛伤官   庚食神
丙枭神         丁正印   丙枭神
戊比肩         戊比肩   戊比肩

正财  偏财  伤官  食神  劫财  比肩  正印  枭神
大运:癸亥  壬戌  辛酉  庚申  己未  戊午  丁巳  丙辰
3岁  13岁  23岁  33岁   43岁     53岁     63岁 73岁
始于:1955  1965  1975  1985  1995  2005  2015  2025

Ben Bernanke1

Ben Bernanke2

Mr Ben Shalom Bernanke was probably born on December 13, 1953 at about 9:00am – 11:00am. The reason why I said it is probably because only this time fits with his background and experience in Preston College. However, due to the peculiar nature of the Federal Reserve ( It is still a private entity for those of you who have not known yet) .

As always the very first thing you do when reading the birth chart is to derive its category. To derive a category in Four Pillars (Bazi), we should always look at the month first. If any of the Ten Gods in the month was to be appeared at the Heaven Stems (excluding the Day Master of course!), then that Ten God will be the Useful God to be used to determine the category of the birth chart. A useful reminder here: what we do after we determine the Useful God is interesting: we look at the rest of the characters to determine if we can find an Auxiliary God in relation to the Useful God

This process is called determining the Category of Bazi (which is mentioned at great length in the ancient books).

If we cannot find a category, then we have to determine another Useful God and recurs the whole process again until we find a Category. If there is to be no category found, then the birth chart has no category and it will be a poor birth chart = one’s life will not be good (I will try to find time to talk about the consequence of non-categorised Bazi, but at the moment it is irrelevant to our article here).

Now, Bernanke’s situation is unique: there is a rule of thumb when reading Bazi recorded in the ancient book 神峰通考:

The category of Seven Killings/ Officer should be considered first even if there is only one Seven Killings/ Officer appears in the Bazi Chart. Only if the category of Seven Killings/ Officer cannot be materialised, then the rest of the categories will be considered.

In original Chinese:


用 = Useful God ( Earth Branch in the Month Pillar)

杀 = Seven Killings

先论 = first consider

有 = have , there is

无 = there exists none

论 = consider

Clearly with a single Jia 甲, Seven Killings hovering on the Heaven Stem of the month pillar, we will have to consider the Seven Killings Jia when identifying the category.

Clearly, the Heaven Stems form Seven Killings Produce Resource Category (read it horizontally) and the Earth Branches forms Wealth equipped with Resource Category. This is a case of two categories in one Bazi Chart.

For the Heaven Stems, the Useful God is Seven Killings, the Auxiliary God is Resource. For the Earth Branches, the Useful God is Wealth, the Auxiliary God is Resource.

Gold, the Hurting officer and Eating God of Mr Bernanke, produces wealth during his

20s and 30s (look at his Luck Pillars please). Bernanke, during one of the interviews admitted that he was accepted into Harvard but his parents do not wish him to travel that far away from home (a humble town in California). However, Bernanke was so determined and rebellious (Hurting officer and Eating God anyone?) at that time, his parents eventually succumb to his request and even went on to support him financially. Very rare indeed for the eldest son of the family!

During his 40s and 50s, his Luck Pillars travelled to the Resource. This is when he made his name in the Education realm. As a scholar, he was also instrumental in helping Alan Greenspan to get out of the financial crisis in 1986-1987 (the S&L crisis). Resource also represents education; this is when he became the chief of economics department in Princeton University.

Resource also represents social status and job. That is the reason why he got the job as the head of the FED at 2006 when the year was丙戌 (a year full of resource for Mr Berrnake). Because of the fact that he falls into Wealth equipped with Resource Category, his job will be related to finance and wealth.

According to the ancient book, Seven Killings (Category) is cunning and deceptive while Wealth (Category) is honest and rationale. Well, Mr Bernanke has them both.

When the financial crisis came to its peak in October last year, many people on the mainstream America questions Bernanke’s policy of saving financial institutions which are too big to fail. I am afraid to say that Bernanke has got it right. Though Mr Bernanke is a long time advocate for free Capitalist economy, he intervened in the financial market without much hesitation. This is actually the pragmatic side of Wealth influence on his character.

The reason he has to save those F***ing, useless banks? Here’s what he said during an interview:” If you’ve a neighbour who smokes in bed and he’s a risk to everybody. And suppose he sets fire to his house. You might say to yourself: I’m not going to call the fire department, let his house burnt down. It’s fine with me. But then of course what if your house was made of wood and next to his house? What if the whole town is made of wood? I think we’ll all agree that the rightn thing to do was to put out the fire first, and say what punishment appropriate? …”.

The crisis was coming at that time and many have predicted it (Dr Doom, Jim Cramer and of course including me). Now, Warren Buffet made an honest assessment of Ben Bernanke in 2009:”I’ll give him 70/100”, the highest score among all US Officials (including Obama). That was an honest statement and in the next article, I will explain why.