Zipingbazi's Blog

David Wilcock,Astrology, Horoscope, 2012, Bazi and Cosmo

Posted in Bazi and People by zipingbazi on October 25, 2009
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David Wilcock

David Wilcock1

David Wilcock2

比肩    食神    日主    伤官
乾造: 癸丑    乙卯    癸卯    甲子

癸比肩   乙食神   乙食神   癸比肩

伤官  比肩  劫财  枭神  正印  七杀  正官  偏财
大运:甲寅  癸丑  壬子  辛亥  庚戌  己酉  戊申  丁未
2岁  12岁  22岁  32岁  42岁  52岁  62岁  72岁
始于:1974  1984  1994  2004  2014  2024  2034  2044

Mr David Wilcock was born at 03/08/1973, Schenectady, NY at 11:16pm (This information is for the Astrologist who wish to plot his Horoscope, Natal Chart).

This is his self-discription from his own website:

“Ever since age 2, David remembers having dreams of massive, metallic cylinders floating in the sky, along with bizarre psychic synchronicities during the day.

At age 5, David had a spontaneous out-of-body experience that greatly crystallized his quest for the truth of ESP, metaphysics and consciousness.

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy

At age 7, David read his first full-length adult paperback book about ESP, entitled How to Make ESP Work for You, by Harold Sherman. He conducted successful telepathic experiments with his friends, and demonstrated repeated psychic accuracy while still in second grade, culminating in a classroom demonstration of his abilities.

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David’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and he quickly began gaining weight through emotional eating, trying to stuff his pain with food. As he got larger he started wearing black T-shirts to try to hide the weight, and became increasingly socially isolated. He reached his heaviest and most depressed point at age 15.

At age 16, David committed to a weight-loss plan, and soon had the first of an ongoing series of lucid dreams, consciously induced through a technique he learned in Dr. Stephen La Berge’s book, Lucid Dreaming. He lost 85 pounds by strict dieting during this year of his life, going from 225 down to 140. Perhaps 20 or so of those pounds were in his hair alone… you’ve gotta admit he cleans up good!

David’s grades also improved along with his self-esteem as a result of losing so much weight. The day he cut his hair people were stopping dead in their tracks when they saw him in the hallways. His transformation so impressed the faculty of Scotia-Glenville HS that David was awarded the Martin J. Mahoney Memorial Award for Personal and Academic Progress.

At age 19, after one bleary-eyed year of college partying, David went totally sober, and began a detailed journal of all his dreams on a daily basis. He has an unbroken record of dreams that continues to this day – some 14 years later. (Currently David averages 80-100 pages of this private journal writing every 15 days, between documenting dreams, important emails and life’s daily events. David considers meditative journaling and dreamwork to be essential to spiritual growth.)

David later graduated from the State University of New York at New Paltz with a BA in Psychology and a Master’s equivalent in experience from his internship at a suicide hotline, completing his formal education at age 22.”

Excerpt from

Now this is definitely all true, but is this what we as Bazi readers should be looking at? Probably not, what is the main difference between Astrology and Bazi( Four Pillars of Destiny)? Astrology can identify the characteristic of a chart thus its luck in years to come. Bazi, on the other hand, is primarily used to determine the level of success, the degree of achievement and the severity of misfortune.

Think about it guys: there are a million people worldwide have the same character and the same luck flow as Mr David Wilcock, does it mean that they have the same level of achievement as Mr Wilcock this life (sorry folks Mr Wilcock believes in reincarnation)? The answer is definitely not. There are a million people worldwide have the same character and the same luck flow as Mr Obama (the U.S president), does it mean that they have the same level of achievement as Mr Obama this life? The answer is again definitely not. Therefore, as a Bazi reader, one has to master the essential skill of reading the birth chart and determine the level of success (which can be uniquely achieved by the method of Bazi among all other meta-physics)

As always the very first thing you do when reading the birth chart is to derive its category. To derive a category in Four Pillars (Bazi), we should always look at the month first. If any of the Ten Gods in the month was to be appeared at the Heaven Stems (excluding the Day Master of course!), then that Ten God will be the Useful God to be used to determine the category of the birth chart. A useful reminder here: what we do after we determine the Useful God is interesting: we look at the rest of the characters to determine if we can find an Auxiliary God in relation to the Useful God

This process is called determining the Category of Bazi (which is mentioned at great length in the ancient books).

If we cannot find a category, then we have to determine another Useful God and recurs the whole process again until we find a Category. If there is to be no category found, then the birth chart has no category and it will be a poor birth chart = one’s life will not be good (I will try to find time to talk about the consequence of non-categorised Bazi, but at the moment it is irrelevant to our article here).

Now Mr David Wilcock has a Day Master of Gui 癸 (water) and he was born in the month of Mao 卯(the month of rabbit, remember the month pillar is always the most important pillar you look at when reading Bazi). Mao 卯 is wood which is produced by the Day Master Gui 癸 (water). On the month pillar, the Earth Branch only contains the Eating God 乙. Thus, we first determined that Mr David Wilcock falls into the category of Hurting Officer. One look at his birth chart, we can observe that it is full of Hurting Officer and Buddy (A very weird and rebellious guy), this shows that he is against the common norm. Indeed he specializes in UFO research and cosmology.

However, a chart full of Hurting Officer and Buddy truly pose a serious problem for the Bazi reader: what is the Auxiliary God of such a chart. At first glance, the category (Note: not the Day master) is too unbalanced, the category has produced too much Hurting Officer; there is nothing to manage the Hurting Officer. However, a careful observation will lead us to find a resource hidden right with the Earth branch of the year pillar Chou (丑). The Xin 辛 gold within Chou (丑) is nicely positioned to directly manage the Eating God and Hurting Officer (Wood).

Here is a trick you need to know when reading such a birth chart: there is a poem recorded in the ancient Bazi book神峰通考 which states that the Chou (丑) earth and Xu(戌) earth cannot be harmed by wood as they contain gold within them :



亥卯木旺不逢金,丑土休嗟见木侵 = the Chou (丑) earth and Xu(戌) earth cannot be harmed by wood.

Now, we have identified that the Useful God here is Hurting Officer and the Auxiliary God is Resource (the Chou (丑) earth here can be considered as a resource of gold). Mr David Wilcock falls into Hurting Officer Equipped with Resource Category (Hurting Officer is an extremely strong and vigorous element, with Resource, the Hurting Officer can be effectively managed due to the fact that Resource can conquer Hurting Officer).

Now, his Bazi itself is really very good: it contains a lot of Hurting Officers and skilfully managed by a single resource. It has the Favourable God Buddy ( in the form of zi water (子) and gui (癸)) to make him popular figure among his listeners and audience. (Rob Wealth and Buddy usually increase your popularity when they the Favourable God of the category).

However, that is the positive side of this birth, the reason why he is not as famous as some of the other similar birth charts is because his luck pillar did not combine well with his birth chart.

Usually, a Hurting Officer Equipped with Resource Category needs resource in his luck pillar to rise to stardom. His resource came too late: during his 50s and 60s. Now you may argue that the resource did appear on the Heaven Stem of the luck pillar in his 30s and 40s, so it is not that bad after all. The problem with this is that his Earth Branches during the same luck pillar is filled with Buddy. Now what does this mean?

This means that the Buddy will drain away the very much needed resource. Resource represents social status and Buddy represents popularity, this is exactly what happens to him now: famous and popular but he is not recognized as a formal professor like Ben Bernake and Paul Krugman. By that I mean, he is a popular figure among grassroots only. Is that the work of spectacular accuracy of Bazi reading?

Now, there is another negative effect of Resource drained away by Buddy: Hurting Officer desperately needs Resource to manage itself. With depleting Resource, the negative effect of resource will began to show: he will start to make outrageous predications that few will buy into and many of them may not be fulfilled on the correct timescale.

Here a list of things he said I considered to be true/false and will be verified. (I know most of the staff he talks about, and I probably know more, but you see that’s not the point of this blog. The blog is to learn Bazi not explore the secrets of the universe):

True staff:

Existence of Aliens

Great Cosmo Change

No such thing as Evolution

False/wrong staff:

World’s governments controlled by Illuminatis (well I know it is not by Illuminatis but by Aliens, in effect almost everyone on planet Earth).

Most Aliens are good (Wrong, most of them are bad)

Top U.S official will introduce Aliens to us (well the Aliens are among us why they would need to introduce themselves to us again).

Many people will survive the so-called 2012 and enter cosmo- consciousness. (Correct but not that many).

Collapse of the U.S dollar in 2009 and 2010 (Not that fast, U.S dollar will collapse when the entire world economy collapse around 2012-2013).

Most Aliens are good (Wrong most Aliens from outside solar system are bad).

If you have any questions , just leave a comment.