Zipingbazi's Blog

Katie PRICE and her marriage/ marriages horoscopes

Posted in Bazi and People,Uncategorized by zipingbazi on February 3, 2010
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I have been always against the very idea that female celebrities will enjoy a long lasting marriage. (Apart from the Beautiful News presenters around the world, I will explain why at a later date). Katie Price is a perfect example why?

In the ancient Chinese books of Bazi (the most powerful form fortune telling), it stated that a female birth chart with Hurting Officer as Auxiliary God has no real happiness (女子伤官无真福)This is because no matter how rich or powerful a female character is, her happiness depends on her marriage.

Katie Price is a perfect example where the Auxiliary God is Hurting Officer and her marriage brings no success.

Katie PRICE was probably born on May 22, 1978at around 9:00AM to 11:00AM (If she was born between 7:00AM to 9:00AM, it might be worse):

Katie Bazi

Katie's Luck Pillar

This is a simple birth chart which you guys should be able to recognize by now. With Hurting Officer丁巳Ding Si at the month Pillar, this is clearly a birth chart of Hurting Officer produces Wealth Category.

The Useful God is Hurting Officer (fire) , the Auxiliary God is Wealth (Earth) and the Unfavourable God is Seven Killings申 Shen gold/Officer.

Seven Killings is the husband of a female chart, so if she has Unfavourable God as Seven Killings, you can more or less expect her marriage to unsuccessful at some point of time. In addition, Kate Price has the Unfavourable God Seven Killings at her Marriage Palace. (Remember I mentioned in Steve Jobs’ Chart that the Marriage Palace is right below the Day Master?)This also implies that her marriage will be unstable.

The reason why Seven Killings is Unfavourable God is because the Seven Killings will drain away the Wealth (Auxiliary God). Auxiliary God, being the most important element in a birth chart, must be protected at all costs.

That is the reason why 2005 乙酉 Yi You (Officer) is a year of unsuccessful marriage for her. And the Marriage ends in disgrace in 2009 己丑 Ji Chou (丑 Chou is the storage of Gold Seven Killings). Storage of Seven Killings represents marital affairs for a female as storage of Seven Killings implies many husbands which will lead to the end of current marriage.

Since we are still in the 2009己丑 (on the Chinese calendar), I must conclude that this marriage will still end in failure. I am sorry girls, everything is pre-destined, if you do not have a good husband, you don’t have one….:)