Zipingbazi's Blog

Fortune Telling Obama Presidency in 2010 Horoscope Astrology USA

Posted in Bazi and People,Bazi, astrology and nations by zipingbazi on February 6, 2010
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Natal Chart:

墓     冠带    帝旺    养
Eating GodS .Killings Day Master    Officer

辛丑    乙未    己巳    甲戌

癸偏财   乙七杀   庚伤官   辛食神
辛食神   Buudy    Resurcee    丁枭神
Buddy          丁枭神   戊劫财   Rob Wealth

Luck Pillars:
正官  偏财  正财  食神  伤官  比肩  劫财  枭神
大运:甲午  癸巳  壬辰  辛卯  庚寅  己丑  戊子  丁亥

Resource  Resource Buddy  S.Killings
10岁  20岁  30岁  40岁  50岁  60岁  70岁  80

Mr Obama has one of the most typical birth chart of a politician (same type of category as Chairman Mao and George Bush). His entire month pillar is clearly Seven Killings, and his entire year pillar is Eating God. This has the perfect making of the Seven Killings inviting Eating God Category.

The Useful God is Seven Killings; the Auxiliary God is Eating God/Hurting Officer. The Unfavourable God is Wealth if Wealth appears in the Heaven Stem. The other Unfavourable God is actually Officer as Seven Killings and Officer cannot be mixed.

In the ancient Chinese Bazi books, it is said that people with Seven Killings at the Month Branch usually are from difficult background (like Chairman Mao and Obama). The Luck Pillar changes to Resource (look at the branches first !) , Resource represents the family form one’s mother side, this implies that Obama was raised by his grandparents (from his mother side).

The reason why Obama did not go into NBA but went into politics is this (please do remember all these tips): any Seven Killings inviting Eating God Category that has got resource in it might imply that the birth chart might be a politician (like Chairman Mao and Obama). As long as the effect of Resource does not bother the category or it is eliminated by Luck Pillars if it does.

Obama’s birth chart consists of too many Rob Wealth and Buddy, making Eating God too strong and thus the Seven Killings too weak. To be a successful wily old politician like Chairman Mao, you need to understand how Sven Killings works. Seven Killings Categories is considered to be top category because it is wicked and evil (but it is subdued, that how life and thus fortune-telling works just look around you!).

Seven Killings is like a Tiger. In order to best use the ability of a tiger, you need to feed it with just enough food (not too much) , but cage it just nicely so that it doe not become an obedient cat.

Here, Obama’s Seven Killings is too weak, thus when he turns into his辛卯 Xin Mao Luck Pillar (after 40 yrs old), he became to rise to the top of the world. Why? 卯 Mao (wood) is the Seven Killings the Auxiliary God. That is why he will definitely be the president of the United State of America in 2009!

Now what holds the future for Obama? Well, not too good for 2010 and 2011 (but not that bad either). It is just that lots of his plans cannot be put into action. Lots of his wishes cannot be realised. This is because he has entered the luck Pillar庚寅Geng Yin, the Geng (Gold) will combine with 乙 Yi Seven Killings to neutralise the effect of Seven Killings. However, all is not lost for United States as I have United States birth chart so catch the next post to find out why!